Luxury Paper Bags

Luxury Paper Bags

Customized Paper Bag Manufacturer in Ajman.

We provide paper shopping bags for luxury items. These bags are mostly used for pricey and upscale items like watches and jewelry, whether organizing a promotional event or exhibitions, etc. We mostly provide offset printing for these bags, which permits the defining of the highest quality possible, with the choice of foiling, UV, glossy, or matt lamination. We can offer production runs of as few as 500 items according to the product’s use and manufacturing process.

Fully personalized and built exactly to your needs. Strong and stylish, with a variety of handle and design options. You can entirely customize the bag to your needs by selecting between rope handles and ribbon handles. The majority of our designer bags are offered in a variety of material thicknesses.

Luxury The use of printed bags is very diverse; they may be found at boutiques, fashion outlets, and jewelry shops of all sizes. They are also a well-liked item to bring to exhibitions and trade events in order to make your goods stand out and raise knowledge of your offerings.

Product Info:

  • Dimensions:      Customized size.
  • Structure:      Packaging Boxes
  • Printing:      Hot foiling / Offset & UV Print
  • Finish:      Matt or Glossy
  • Accessories:      Lamination, Ribbon or Nylon Handel
  • Box material:      :    350 gms food board, Artmatt/glossy, 120gsm Kraft paper
  • Customizability:     Accept custom designs.
  • Minimum order quantity: 500 Pcs


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